What We Do

MaTrac is an asset management solution for Linear Infrastructure Projects such as transmission lines, pipelines, and rails.

MaTrac Bluetooth beacons, cellular gateways, and software track the location, movement, and regulatory compliance of access mats and related equipment.

Contractors and utilities use MaTrac to save both time and money.

What We Do

MaTrac is an asset management solution for Linear Infrastructure Projects such as transmission lines, pipelines, and rails.

MaTrac Bluetooth beacons, cellular gateways, and software track the location, movement, and regulatory compliance of access mats and related equipment.

Contractors and utilities use MaTrac to save both time and money.

Save Up to $100 per mat*

*Dependent on volume of mats ​and length of project

Save Up to $100 per mat*

*Dependent on volume of mats ​and length of project

More Bids

Profit Margins


Protect the

This technology is truly impressive. AsseTrac's software has allowed us to track our mats in the field unlike ever before, eliminating the everyday headache of completing paperwork and updating spreadsheets. We are confident that this improved visibility of our mats will allow us to significantly reduce our overall inventory. We look forward to continuing our business with AsseTrac and expanding our tracking into other tools and equipment.

Richard Vernon
President, Northern Clearing Inc.

This technology is truly impressive. AsseTrac's software has allowed us to track our mats in the field unlike ever before, eliminating the everyday headache of completing paperwork and updating spreadsheets. We are confident that this improved visibility of our mats will allow us to significantly reduce our overall inventory. We look forward to continuing our business with AsseTrac and expanding our tracking into other tools and equipment.

Richard Vernon
President, Northern Clearing Inc.